Croce verde

  The activities of Croce verde are the emergency service, the transport service (such as the transfer from home to the nursing facility, resignation, specialist visits, transfers in the medium and long-haul and abroad transers) and the assistance service to sporting events, cultural, recreational throughout the province of Mantua.

Curtatone Municipality

The new project, Curtatone Events, is aimed to promote the local naturalistic, historical and artistic heritage, throughout cultural events and a coordinate communication. Siglacom develops the communication strategy, by offering a territorial marketing plan and video-photo reportages of the events organised by the Municipality of Curtatone.

Porto Emergenza

., service to sporting events and events and secure transport for young people with disabilities.


Projects / 3e60 3e60 3e60 is consulting agency for marketing initiatives and events with an international brand with over 15 years of history and offices in Milan, Padua, UK, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, UAE, China and Argentina. The main operating segments of 3e60 are: • 3e60 Events that provides projects, services and tools for the world [...]


Ekis organizes training events and courses for self empowerment, PNL and training paths to become life coach, sports coach and business coach.

Guido Independent

Projects / Guido Independent Guido Independent Guido Indipendent is linked to a project related to the best regularity events for historic cars.

Fachiro Strategic Design

Fachiro realizes the communication projects in different sectors like publishing, events, multimedia, product packaging, photography, web and more.

Grand Road

Projects / Grand Road Grand Road The "Grand Road Italia" is the new event conceived and organized by Mantova Corse, the same organizational machine as the "Gran Premio Nuvolari".


Projects / mysound mysound mysound is a company with decades of experience in the event furniture rental sector. ... At every stage of the event, from design to installation, the customer is followed, a demonstration that quality and speed can coexist effectively.

DHL Express Italy

The corporate communication lives on multiple activities and takes the form of some nationwide sharing events, the townhall, during which the Management updates the People, sharing strategies, vision and celebrations. On the occasion of the first townhall 2019, Siglacom supported the event on a strategic and operational level.

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