Municipality of Curtatone
Arias of music and opera

Municipality of Curtatone

Curtatone Municipality has been managing several events aimed at enhancing the artistic and cultural heritage of its territory.

The first event took place in Castello Sforzesco - Milan, on June the 27th. The event regarded an opera concert to inaugurate the “Voltoliniano year”.
Ismaele Voltolini, born in Roverbella, a village close to Mantova, in 1887, was an internationally known tenor.
Thanks to its powerful and distinct voice, Voltolini was called “novello Caruso”.
To this worldwide famous Italian opera ambassador, Curtatone Municipality entitled the concert of the Verdi theater Orchestra of Curtatone, directed by Mr Daniele Anselmi, together with young international opera singers.

The Siglacom team managed the video and photo reportage during the event, in order to remember all the emotions arisen from the concert. Moreover, the collected interviews have been useful to make people aware of the cultural agenda promoted by Curtatone Municipality.
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