Siglacom Strategy Keynote
Mobile Strategy

Sebstiano Tartari - Chief project Manager SiglacomGroup
The speed today is the fundamental asset of the business and when we talk about the web speed is guaranteed by the study of usability in its double meaning of mobile portability and reduction of cognitive load.
Mobile portability is the fundamental thing to approach a project in a mobile-first perspective and usability and its study are the first step to take when developing a new project.
The study of detail, the analysis of hand movements and usability design, are a fundamental part of the strategic approach with which we want to achieve the business goals of our customers.
People live the web and, as in everyday life, they try to achieve their goals by making the least effort possible. In this sense we talk about cognitive load, or the effort that a user must do to reach their goals on the web and this is inversely proportional to the opportunities on the return on investment, or so much more effort I do, so it is less likely that I reach the company through a contact or an online purchase.
This is all the more true if we think that in addition to the cognitive load, when navigating from the mobile one can add a motor difficulty of the hand, in reaching the fundamental elements of navigation.
For this reason every element of web design and especially the pages used for conversion, typically the product sheets of an e-commerce and cart, must be designed and developed with particular attention.
Usability must be simple and intuitive, the website must be used by people, not first understood and then used. Every second is important to convert and should not be wasted.
The Siglacom development team takes care of the care and detail of this type of implementation, all to ensure maximum return on the web investment.
The Dot - Strategy Keynote - Mobile Strategy

Chief Project Manager
Director and Cameraman

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